Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year: 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!!!!!  2015 flew by and although it was not my best year for running it was still a great year. I got to meet many new runners after joining Steel City Road runners. I got to race with many of my closest friends, and I got learn a lot about myself.  Instead of me talking your ear off I just wanted to share some of my favorite moments of 15, enjoy.

Run Around The Square with Russ and Donnie. We run this race for the after party!!!
You ask Shaun how is this running related? Well it just so happens that I ended up meeting up a few of my Pittsburgh running friends and drinking the night away. I can't wait to do it again in February.
Got nice and muddy at BattleFrog

Running the Great Race with my friend Kari

Liberty Ave Mile with my friends. Race was fun, but drinking at bars after was better

There were many other great moments that weren't running related as well.

Amanda and I went to South Carolina for vacation.

Got to see a lot of Pirate games with our season tickets

Got to attend a lot of wedding and drink with my friends

Cheers to another great year!!!!