Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week In Review-Back on Track!!!

     This week of training I finally can say I am getting back on track.  It's been close to a month now since I ran the Pittsburgh Marathon and I took some time to get back into the full swing of training.  My prior weeks were less miles than I normally would run, and if I missed a day I didn't let it bother me.  Well that is no more, from this point on I am a man on a mission.  That mission includes running some PR's this summer and really going all out for the Erie half marathon and the Columbus full. 

MONDAY- I recapped Monday in last weeks blog but just to go over it again I ran 4 miles. The goal was to come in with 4 miles at the same pace.  I failed miserably, but still ran a fairly good time. 

TUESDAY- I decided to bring my running gear to work and go as soon as I clocked out.  I was excited because it was going to be a new course so I knew I wouldn't get bored.  I work one mile from downtown so I headed into town and ended up doing a 5 mile loop.  I wasn't paying attention to the time when I was running but when I finished I realized that I had ran a fairly good time of 38.45.  I felt really good when I finished and I am looking forward to doing a few new courses from my work.

WEDNESDAY- I really got back on track this day. My old high school track for a speed workout.  When I arrived I just kept thinking this is going to suck because the clouds were getting dark and I could hear thunder in the distance. I did 7 400's with a 200 meter walk in between in each one.  My first split was a 1:29 and my goal was to shave a few seconds each time.  I ended up running a 1:02 for my last lap. I was winded and hurting but I accomplished what I wanted to do.  I then ran 800 meters sprinting the straight a way's and jogging the curves.  I ended with a 800 meter cool down.  Somehow I managed to beat the rain as well.  Every time I am on the track it brings me back to my high school days of training.  It was always hard and we all complained but our times always dropped and I am hoping that history will repeat itself.

THURSDAY- I took this day to do some stretching and used my foam roller for a bit.  I have been running pretty good but I can still feel some pain in my hip.  It's nothing major but I still want to be careful.  Better safe than sorry.

FRIDAY- I was lucky and got out of work early. I was pumped to get home and go for a nice run since my wife and I had dinner plans with some friends.  I did a 6 mile course that I do a lot so I like to see how my time is compared to other times.  I didn't run my best time but I did almost get hit by a school bus.  Some asshole driver wasn't paying attention and swerved from his lane onto the shoulder were I was.  I had to jump into a yard to avoid the bus.  The driver realized he was off the road and got back into his lane.  No apology or even a look to say I am sorry from him.  So I did what I do best and shot him the finger.  BOOM!!!!!  that's what you get if you don't want to say sorry!

SATURDAY- Normally I would do my long run on this day, but I wanted to try experimenting on my run.  Ever since the marathon I have been focused on hydration. I went to buy a water bottle that attaches to your hand, but I didn't like how it felt. I saw the water belts but I don't know how I would feel with something attached to me at my waist.  I decided to just carry a normal bottle of water. The 12 oz. bottle you see in every cooler of every convenience store.  I set out for a very hard and hilly 7 miles.  I didn't worry about the time, I was just trying to see what it felt like to run with something in my hand the whole time. I still am unsure though if there is something else out there that may be better for me.  I wish I could find a small bottle that attaches to my hand.

SUNDAY- (Today) My wife and I did our normal routine in which we take our dog on a trail for a walk. We tried a new trail today that even had a dog park. I am unhappy to announce that I am that guy with the asshole dog at the dog park.  I am pretty sure we made one girl leave with her dog after my dog got into a fight with another dog. I think they were playing but no one else did.  Such an embarrassment.  After dinner tonight I will go to the gym and do some leg workouts.  All week I felt my legs were getting tired faster than they should of, so some light work out on them is in need.

This week I will be running a 1 mile race on Thursday.  It's called the gateway mile and is held at the gateway middle school track at 7:00 pm.  They run a few heats based on your predicted time.  It's a free race and there is always some good runners that show up for it.  It is also great to see where you stand early in the season.  My goal is to finish just below 6 minutes and work on that for the remaining of the summer and hopefully get back to a sub 5 before the end of summer.  We shall see.  If any Pittsburgh runners are free Thursday night I recommend coming out to run it.  It's always a good time.

Any recommendations for what I should use for carrying water? What works best for you?


  1. I have two hand held options, both have a strap so it more or less attaches to your hand rather than you gripping it, racer style nozzles so just squeeze to dispense water without fussing with opening caps or stoppers.

    One small one 10oz from Nathan. I got this dirt cheap at Burlington or Marshalls, for me I rarely see a need for 10oz. Maybe I'm wrong but any time I feel like I'd benefit from 10 oz, I figure I can just wait the 10 or 15 minutes more to get home and drink before/after the run. This one is rarely used.

    One large one from Camelbak, 25 ounces. I use this for runs between 45-90 or so minutes. Works great, and the bottle can interchange between insulated and non-insulated if you like using ice to keep the water cool.

    Longer runs I use the backpack from Camelbak with 2 liters of water.

  2. Thanks I think I am gonna venture around and see if I can find me a 10 oz. one. I don't like to carry anything big and that seems like a great size for me
